Saturday, December 7, 2013

This Week, HW / Supplies For Next Week, + Final Exhibition

In Class 12.7:
Finishing up all projects!

Email me images of all projects so that I can put them on the class blog: We won't be able to work on individual blogs b/c so many people were absent for SATs so be sure to send project images to instead.

Here are the projects that you should have documented / sent by Friday, 12.13:
1. Accordion Zine Chronology
2. Wearable Accessory
3. Wearable Accessory Photoshoot
4. Memory Map Drawing
5. A few highlights from your sketchbook

Homework + Supplies for 12.14:
Next week is our final exhibition. We will spend the first part of class setting up the room & then from 12-1pm your family and friends are welcome to visit and see the work you've created this semester.

Please bring ALL THE WORK YOU'VE COMPLETED FOR THIS CLASS + your sketchbook.
Also, please email me images for our class blog ASAP.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Sat. 12.7

1. Finish object memory map
2. Document all of your projects from this class and have the images loaded on a flash drive
3. Email Jessica your blog address (if you haven't already):

Saturday, November 16, 2013

National Portfolio Day

For those of you interested in getting some feedback on your portfolios, National Portfolio Day is happening this weekend @ The Javits Center. Follow the link below for more info:

Inspiration: Object-based Memory Maps

Friday, November 15, 2013

Next Assignment - Object-based Memory Map

Object-based Memory Map

18 x 24 Drawing or Sketch Paper
Micron Pens
Graphite Pencils
Pencil Sharpener
X - acto knife

For our next project you will create an object-based memory map similar to the examples below. You'll begin in pencil and go over your map in micron + Sharpie.

1. Begin by choosing an interesting object that is meaningful to you. That object will be drawn at the center of the map.

Pooja Thacker

Kate Binghaman-Burt

2. From there, you will explore various details about your object that you can branch out to (ie. where did you find the object? Who do you associate with the object? How is the object made? etc.). Note** - the object and each detail about the object should be a drawing with some text. Pay attention to the text you're including and draw the letters so that they match the drawing (see Kate Binghaman-Burt ex. above). Create five branch out drawings from the center object.

3. After you draw the object and branch out to five detail drawings about the object, you will repeat the same branch-out process again, creating two branches for each of the five details for a total of 10 new details.

4. Once you've completed the 10 details in step 3, you'll branch out again, creating three branches for each of the 10 new details for a total of 30 new details.

5. Once all the details have been drawn out in pencil, check your layout. Is your map filling the page in an interesting way? If not, how can you achieve a dynamic composition? Erase  + redraw any parts that need editing.

6. Once you are satisfied w/your drawings + layout, go over the map in micron + sharpie.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Sat. 11.16

1. Complete wearable accessory inspired by a place.

2. Referring to the examples in the previous inspiration posts, photograph accessory as it's worn on the body. As we discussed in class you don't want these photographs to feel like straightforward catalog images. You want them to tell a story through the composition, lighting, how the model is styled, etc.. Feel free to look at Vogue, Flaunt, and other fashion magazines for additional inspiration.

Next week you will present your project along with your photograph(s). Plan to photograph your piece using the large image settings on your camera so that the photos can eventually be printed. To arrive at 3 strong images you should take 100+ photographs (most of which will be deleted). Shoot as much as possible and pull the best options for presentation.

  • sketchbook
  • something to sketch w/
  • color media
  • scissors
  • Xacto knife
  • tape
  • glue stick

Inspiration - Fashion Editorials - Students

Inspiration: Fashion Editorials - Part I - The Pros

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Inspiration: Wearable Accessories in Paper

Homework + Supplies due Sat., 11.9


1. Complete at least 3 materials studies in paper that will inform your final place-inspired wearable accessory.

2. If you are satisfied w/the paper studies try to begin work on the finished piece.


  • All materials you will need to complete your place-inspired wearable accessory
  • Sketchbook
  • Something to sketch w/

Inspiration: Paper Studies

Friday, October 25, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Sat., 11.2

3 concept sketches of Accessory for a place (see previous post)

Supplies for next week:
Glue stick
Color Media
Xacto Knife
Micron Pens
Scrap Paper
Drawing Paper
Scotch Magic Tape
*Optional: Extra $ for paper to be used in construction of final accessory project (we will travel to NY Central Art Supply to look at options)

Assignment #2: Accessory for a place

Accessory for a place: Create a fashion accessory made out of paper inspired by a place

Part I.
Choose a place that is particularly interesting to you. It can be any place from your bedroom, a childhood home, a place you once visited while traveling, your school, a park, deli, bus, etc.. Spend some time journaling and drawing this place in your sketchbook. What are the details that you associate with this place? Be as specific as possible!

Part II.
Create several concept sketches exploring ways that you can create a wearable accessory made of paper that is inspired by this place. What will it be? Previous students have created: scarves, glasses, hats, jewelry, belts, bags, shoes, etc.. It’s wide open! Also, what characteristics of the place will you refer to in your design?  [For ex. The Union Sq. Subway station is loud – perhaps you could design a hooded scarf that shields the wearer from the noise from passing trains]. Come to class next week with 3 of your best concept sketches completed in color media on 14 x 17 drawing paper.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Sat. 10.26

1. Complete Accordion Zine Chronology
2. Post at least 3 process images from the AZC to your personal blog. Describe briefly what is happening in each image (a caption or 1 sentence is fine - more is great too)

Something to sketch w/
1 sheet of illustration board
Xacto Knife

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Homework + Supplies for Sat., 10.19

Come to class with your 3 paper prototypes and all the materials you'll need to create your accordion zine chronology (pencils, paints, computer - if going digital, etc., - the materials depend on the media you choose for this project). 

At this point you should have very clear ideas about the form of the zine and the images you'll use to describe your experiences.

If you wish to check in on your progress before then, send an email to:

See you Sat!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Saturday, 10.12

1. While at Printed Matter you should have taken note of one or more artist books that interest you. Research the artist and their work and create a blog post about them: Why did their work inspire you?

2. Create 3 paper prototypes for your accordion zine chronology. These prototypes can be rough - they are only to determine the pagination (page # order) and form of the zine. Look at the previous post for inspiration.

Plan to meet at the Museum of Art and Design at 9am for a full day (9am - 4pm) portfolio workshop. Instead of meeting at Parsons our class will be held at the MAD Museum. MAD is located at 2 Columbus Circle with the 59th Street A, B, C, D and the 57th Street N, Q, R close by. A breakfast snack and a bag lunch are provided. 

Supplies for Next Class:
  • HW Assignment - 3 paper zine prototypes for a quick check-in while at MAD
  • Sketchbook
  • Something to sketch w/
  • Camera (cel phone is ok)
  • Metrocard

Inspiration: Book + Zine Forms

accordion zine

zig-zag zine

traditional booklet zines

cutout zine

& EXCELLENT zine pinboard on pinterest: