Friday, October 4, 2013

Homework + Supplies due Saturday, 10.12

1. While at Printed Matter you should have taken note of one or more artist books that interest you. Research the artist and their work and create a blog post about them: Why did their work inspire you?

2. Create 3 paper prototypes for your accordion zine chronology. These prototypes can be rough - they are only to determine the pagination (page # order) and form of the zine. Look at the previous post for inspiration.

Plan to meet at the Museum of Art and Design at 9am for a full day (9am - 4pm) portfolio workshop. Instead of meeting at Parsons our class will be held at the MAD Museum. MAD is located at 2 Columbus Circle with the 59th Street A, B, C, D and the 57th Street N, Q, R close by. A breakfast snack and a bag lunch are provided. 

Supplies for Next Class:
  • HW Assignment - 3 paper zine prototypes for a quick check-in while at MAD
  • Sketchbook
  • Something to sketch w/
  • Camera (cel phone is ok)
  • Metrocard

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